The First Powerwall Installers in Europe

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In June 2017, The Little Green Energy Company installed the first Tesla Powerwall 2 in Europe.
It was installed with a 3.92kWp Solar PV system at a customers’ house in Kent.
Due to shading issues, a SolarEdge Inverter with DC Optimsers were used to get the best efficiency out of the system.
The Tesla Powerwall 2 is the latest offering into the battery storage market. It boasts 13.5kWh capacity with a high output of 5kW. Taking most of its charge from the solar panels, it can also charge directly from the grid, allowing the user to use off peak electricity during the day!
Each Powerwall 2 comes with a 10 year warranty, comprises of an integral inverter and its own heating/cooling controls.
The unit is designed to go outdoors, however this one was fitted in the cellar.
It has been fitted temporarily for now to allow the customer to finish the renovation on the property and once completed, it will be sited permanently.
The Benefits of Adding Tesla Powerwall 2 to Your Solar PV System
By having this Powerwall 2 installed alongside the Solar PV system will ensure you no longer waste some of the energy you’re producing, which might otherwise have been lost back to the grid.
This will make your Solar PV & Battery Storage System even more environmentally friendly, which is one of the major reasons for having a Tesla Powerwall 2 installed.
In addition to this, all of the surplus energy that is not used during the day, will be stored in the Powewall Battery, so it can be used during the night time, when the Solar PV Panels have gone to sleep, and are no longer producing energy, which saves more money on electricity that you might would have been paying for, during the night.
If you’re on a split tariff with your energy provider, (like our customer was here at the time) you can charge your Powerwall Battery with ‘off-peak’ electricity, and use that electricity to power your home, during peak times, so you’ll pay even less to your energy provider, when your Solar PV generated energy doesn’t quite cover your needs.
Interested in Tesla Powerwall Battery Storage? Contact us, using the form to the right and we’ll be in touch to provide you with more information and understand your needs.