Latest News from TLGEC

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If you missed our recent news and updates, here’s what’s been going on at TLGEC and in the world of eco renewables.
Say goodbye to power cuts with the new Backup Gateway
Tesla Powerwall 2 can now be installed with Backup Gateway, which detects a power outage and triggers your Powerwall to supply your home or business, freeing you from worry and inconvenience. It will also ensure your Solar PV continues to function when the grid is down.
Ideal for power-critical businesses – no more computers out of action, tills down or defrosting freezers; Tesla Backup Gateway will also give homeowners peace of mind – keeping those lights on, your phone charged and the dinner cooking.
Find out more about Powerwall Backup.
Octopus Energy announces fair-price export tariff
Octopus – the only Which? recommended energy supplier – has given new solar pv customers something to smile about (alongside falling installation prices, reduced energy bills and clean energy).
The end of the popular Feed In Tariff meant a degree of uncertainty about what was to follow. Anyone already signed up to the scheme continues to receive their 20 years of payments from the government but the expectation is now on energy companies to recompense future solar homes for energy fed into the grid. There had been some concern as to whether this would be paid at a fair price.
The great news is that Octopus is offering a fixed payment for all surplus energy exported to the grid at a fair rate, aswell as a smart tariff, which will enable solar homes with battery storage to benefit from even higher rates because they can export at ‘peak’ times when electricity is at its most expensive. You can find out more from The Solar Trade Association.
Tesla Backup Gateway…
Power cuts can be a thing of the past for your home or business with Tesla’s new Backup Gateway.
Good news from Octopus…
Following the closing of the Government’s Feed-in Tariff, Octopus has announced its export tariff.
David Attenborough…
The Climate Crisis has hardly been out of the news, David Attenborough’s Climate Change Warning made the headlines.
If you require any further information or would like to discuss a project, please do not hesitate to contact us.