Can I have Solar Panels on my house?

Answer the questions below to start your quote
Most houses are suitable for solar panel installation, although there are some exceptions. We’ll take you through the key features that we look at when surveying a home for a solar pv system.
What is the ideal roof orientation?
Ideally a roof would be south facing to maximise the amount of sunlight captured, although south-east through to south-west facing roofs can all have solar panels installed. Following that the ideal gradient of the roof would be 30 degrees. Remember that these are perfect world scenarios, and as you will see we’ve installed solar panels on flat roofs, on the ground and at different gradients and angles.
How large does my roof have to be for solar panels?
The size of the roof is an important consideration for solar panel installation. A single SunPower solar panel is 1 metre wide by 1.6 metres high and at least 4 panels are needed to power a home. Most homes will have between 4-8 solar panels installed so the roof needs be large enough on its most southerly, facing side to house the panels.
In Roof / On Roof Solar Panels?
Whether the solar panels sit within the roof tile versus on the roof is typically a question for those looking to install solar panels in a new build. However, if a homeowner is considering a new roof at the same time as a solar panel installation, this is an option that may be available to them. Examples of in roof solar pv we have installed.
Do I need planning permission for solar panels on my house?
The installation of solar panels falls under permitted development and planning is not required. There are limits and exceptions that must be adhered to and which we have over 10 years’ experience in dealing with throughout the South East. The chances are we have been in your postcode at some point. Check our map to see the projects we have installed local to you.
What condition does the roof have to be in?
Your solar pv system will be operational for a minimum of 25 years; therefore, the roof needs to be of sound condition to support the panels throughout their lifetime. Our team will do a full inspection and survey to best recommend the right options for your home.
TLGEC are the leading solar panel installers in the South East
If you’re looking at whether you can install solar panels on your house, you may also be interested in our guides to how much do solar panels cost and how much will solar panels save me? The best solar panels on the market are Sunpower which most of our customers select. We have put together information on why we recommend these panels over here.
We get that this a lot of information to digest and may be too general. For a tailored response to the questions you have, book a free (absolutely no obligation) consultation with our team who can best advise based on the roof of your home as well as your lifestyle and what you’re looking to achieve through installing solar panels.