Case Studies
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Battery Storage
Commercial PV
Commercial Solar PV
Developer PV
Domestic PV
Domestic Solar PV
EV Charging
TLGEC completes the first INTILION Scalestac installation in the UK
The first commercial battery storage solution of its kind in the UK was successfully commissioned and installed in a joint project by The Little Green Energy Company and INTILION AG.
Solar PV: Strood, Kent, H. E. Group
We recently installed this canopy array and roof mounted Solar PV System for H. E. Group in Strood, Kent.
Commercial Solar PV: Redhill, Surrey, SES Water
We recently installed this 150 panel Solar PV System for SES Water in Redhill Surrey.
Commercial Solar PV: Sittingbourne, Kent, Express Grass
In 2017 we installed this Trapezoidal (Metal) Solar PV System for Express Grass in Sittingbourne, Kent.