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21 February 2022

Powering collaboration: Solar PV and EV Charging

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TLGEC provides renewable energy solutions for the Maidstone Innovation Centre

The Little Green Energy Company collaborated with the Maidstone Innovation Centre (MIC) to provide a fully integrated renewable energy system that powers their co-working space with unlimited clean, green energy.  TLGEC was chosen to install electric vehicle chargers and solar panels to provide the MIC with the means to generate cleaner and more efficient energy whilst reducing their carbon footprint.

The MIC has actively worked to establish itself as a truly sustainable and environmentally conscious space. In September, they revealed their new Living Wall, covering over 90 square metres, the blooming wall of cascading plants will reduce the carbon footprint of the building by filtering the air and regulating the temperature.

TLGEC has played a pioneering role in bringing it full circle and connecting the MIC with renewable energy sources, to power the Living Wall and the building itself. Our expert team installed solar panels to make use of the sun’s infinite energy as well as charging pods for eight cars, with the capacity to upgrade to a further 12 pods. Now, solar energy will maintain the building and its Living Wall, which in turn adds further sustainable benefits such as cleaner air and biodiversity.

Whole-hearted in their approach to a sustainable space, the MIC was environmentally conscious during the building process. Recycled materials were utilised throughout the build and the contractors applied Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) processes. This ensured best practice for the environmental performance of the building and placed the MIC amongst the top 25% of buildings in the country according to BREEAM eco-friendly ratings. We are thrilled the MIC chose to work with us on such an important and environmentally conscious project.

The MIC’s Centre Manager says: “Maidstone Innovation Centre is proud to have worked with The Little Green Energy Company to offer our tenants a state-of-the-art building with eco-friendly features. Being able to harness the power of solar energy will ensure that we help drive the continuation of sustainable projects for a brighter, energy efficient future.”